201505 - page 40

)摇 摇 摇 摇 2015
Path and Mechanism for Industrialization Process to Impact Logistics
Industry Based on Empirical Study of Multinational Data
& WU Liang
1. School of Business Administration
Guangdong University of Finance and Economics
Guangdong 510320
2. Xinhua College
Sun Yat鄄sen University
Guangdong 510520
: During the process of industrialization, the development of logistics industry is affected by many factors with some
obvious stage characteristics. The pathfor industrialization to affect logistics industry involves4 aspects such as the improvement of
social labor productivity, the evolution of industrial structure, the expansion of urbanization and the development of information
technology. The empirical results show that, in the whole evolution process of industrialization, the social labor productivity has a
continuous promoting effect on “quantity冶 and “quality冶 of the development of logistics industry, but the impact tends to be di鄄
minishing, while the effect of information technology has kept rising. The industrial structure has played an important and steady
promoting role in the increase of both the “ quantity冶 and the performance oflogistics industry. Theurbanizationhas different im鄄
pacts on the “quantity冶 and “quality冶 of logistics industry, showing an inverted “U冶 shape on the former with a rise firstanda
fallsubsequently, but with the promoting effect on the latter relatively stable. Therefore, more attention should be paid to these
differences on the different stages of industrialization so as to play their important roles on purpose.
Key Words
: industrial structure; social labor productivity; urbanization; information technology; logistics industry
Research on Sustainable Development of Retail Enterprises
Retrospect and Prospect
HE Aizhong & HE Ankang
Business School
Hunan University
Hunan 410082
: The sustainable development of retailing enterprises has a significant impact on the sustainable development of na鄄
tional economy. However,because sustainable development is a relatively new topic, scholars usually focus on the macro field or
the industrial sectors in whichproblems of resources and environmentare obvious, but have little research on the sustainable devel鄄
opment of retailing enterprises in whichproblem of resources and environment is the relatively implicit. For more than ten years,
scholars have defined the concept of sustainable development of retailing enterprises, analyzed its importance, and made a pre鄄
liminary discussion on its driving factor, performance evaluation, etc. But there is a lack of research on the important problems
such as cause and result for the sustainable development of retailing enterprises in China's context, the way how to identify the
driving factor and the intensity for the sustainable development of retailing enterprises, consumer response mechanism for the sus鄄
tainable development of retailing enterprises, etc.
Key Words
: retail enterprise;sustainable development; supply chain; driving mechanism; performance evaluation
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