Page 33 - 《北京工商大学学报(社会科学版)》2020年第3期
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北京工商大学学报(社会科学版)摇 摇 摇 摇 2020 年摇 第 3 期

   上述行业以外的公司为市场竞争类。                                372.
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   政部、铁道部、教育部等控制的企业。 省级是指由省(直                      司控制权争夺———基于雷士照明的案例研究 [J]. 中国
   辖市、自治区)、新疆建设兵团和计划单列市(大连市、青                      软科学,2016(10):109 - 122.
   岛市、宁波市、厦门市、深圳市)国资委及其他所属部门控                          [9]朱国泓,杜兴强. 控制权的来源与本质:拓展、融
   制的企业。 市级是指由市级及以下政府及所属部门控制                       合及深化 [J]. 会计研究,2010(5):54 - 61.
   的企业。                                                [10]ZAHRA S A, FILATOTCHEV I, WRIGHT M.
                                                   How do threshold firms sustain corporate entrepreneurship?
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                Mixed Ownership Reform of State鄄owned Enterprises:
                       Current Situation and Theoretical Analysis

                                            MAO Xinshu
                  (Business School, Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing 100048, China)

   Abstract: The reform of mixed ownership has increasingly become an important measure in the reform of state鄄owned enterprises
   in China. But empirical evidence shows that the mixed ownership reform of the state鄄owned enterprises in China was carried out
   prudently and slowly. It is difficult for the state鄄owned enterprise groups to price large equity with large asset size. The listed
   companies, the average degree of their mixed ownership did not change substantially. On the contrary, the state鄄owned equity in
   non鄄competitive industries such as electric power, telecommunications, oil and gas has increased in recent years because the
   state鄄owned shareholders prefer to increase rather than sell their shares of listed companies with strong profitability. Then it analy鄄
   zes the logic and theoretical basis of mixed ownership reform of state鄄owned enterprises from the perspective of resource comple鄄
   mentarity and efficiency. Finally, it puts forward some ideas of promoting the reform of mixed ownership of the state鄄owned enter鄄
   prises by classification and stratification, and believe that strengthening the information disclosure of state鄄owned enterprises has
   become an important prerequisite and the basis for expedite the mixed reform.
       Key Words: state鄄owned enterprises; mixed ownership; efficiency view; resource complementary view; shareholder re鄄
                                                                          (本文责编摇 潘端莲)

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