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第 34 卷摇 第 3 期                 王摇 清: 已审报表被重述影响审计质量吗?

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                   Will Audit Quality be Affected by Restatement of

                               Audited Financial Statements?
                       ———Study Based on Individual Level of Signing CPA

                                            WANG Qing
                         (Business School, Anhui University, Hefei, Anhui 230601, China)

       Abstract: Financial restatement represents the low quality and unreliability of financial reports, which will have a negative
   effect on capital market. By constructing a DID model, the impact of practice experience of restatement of audited financial state鄄
   ments on signing CPA蒺s audit quality is investigated. The research results show that compared with those free from restatement of
   audited financial statements, the signing CPA whose audited financial statements are restated improves the audit quality signifi鄄
   cantly after financial restatement. It is further found that the improvement of audit quality by restatement of audited reports is only
   reflected in the samples with restatement of core indicators and the samples with relatively short interval between restatement and
   signing year. Further, we have found that audit quality of the companies which do not change signing auditor after financial re鄄
   statement is significantly different before and after the financial restatement, which can supplement the experiential evidence of
   the main test. The above findings can provide references for securities regulatory authorities, investors and other stakeholders.
       Key Words: signing CPA; financial restatement; practice experience; core restatement; time lag of restatement; audit

                                                                          (本文责编摇 王沈南)

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