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Evaluation on Efficiency of China蒺s Department Store Listed
Companies after online and offline Integration Development
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GUO Xinmei & SHI Shanshan
(1郾 School of Economics, Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing 100048, China;
2郾 Qianjiadian Town People蒺s Government, Yanqing District, Beijing 102108, China)
Abstract: “Internet + Circulation冶 has pointed to the development direction for the transformation and upgrading of the re鄄
tailing industry in China. It is a trend for various retailing formats to have the online and offline integration development. As de鄄
partment stores are China蒺s traditional retailing industry and the listed companies of department stores rank top in numbers within
China蒺s retailing industry group, whether the efficiency is high or low after integration development is the key focus of the market.
Taking 20 listed companies of department stores as sample, this paper analyzes the data of input and output during the years from
2013 to 2017. Through the DEA calculation, the sample companies shows the average annual efficiency relatively high, with a
downward tendency in fluctuation, same as the technology efficiency and scale efficiency. Through projection analysis, some com鄄
panies have the input redundancy in operation costs, total assets, staff number, etc. but insufficient outcome in business reve鄄
nues, business profits, etc. By Malmquist calculation, the total factor productivity (TFP) of the sample companies shows a trend
of first rise and then decline, with an average value greater than 1, among which the technology progress index has the largest
contribution. The online and offline channels have their own advantages and there is an adaption period for the integrated develop鄄
ment of listed companies in the department store industry. To further improve the retail efficiency requires more efforts in flow,
talent, management and logistics. The operation management should be strengthened to realize the online and offline mutual
flows. “Going out and inviting in冶 should be executed to cultivate omni鄄channel talents. The new technologies should be adopted
to implement the refined management and reduce the business costs. The smart logistics should be built to speed up the flow of
Key Words: online and offline; integration development; department store listed companies; efficiency evaluation; total
factor productivity (TFP); technological progress
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