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北京工商大学学报(社会科学版)摇 摇 摇 摇 2019 年摇 第 1 期

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              Some Thoughts on Chinese Accounting Standards Reform

                                          ZHANG Xinmin
               (Business School, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing100029, China)

       Abstract: This paper first reviews the historical process of Chinese Accounting Standards system, including the initial in鄄
   dustry accounting regulations during the period of planned economy, the subsequent “Accounting Regulations for Chinese鄄Foreign
   Equity Joint Ventures冶 and “Accounting Regulations for Foreign鄄Invested Enterprises冶 in early period of reform and opening up,
   and the establishment of enterprise accounting standards system in 1993. On that basis, this paper systematically summarizes the
   main characteristics of current accounting standards system as achieving convergence with international accounting standards, dis鄄
   closing both parent company statements and consolidated financial statements, and taking into account both historical cost and fair
   value while giving priority to historical cost. After the development of two decades, China has gradually established the relatively
   complete accounting standards system in line with market economy and international rules, which has made the working staff shift
   their accounting thinking from planned economy to market economy. However, Chinese current accounting standards system still
   has some problems such as failing to deal with the relationship between accounting standards setting and accounting objectives
   properly, causing adverse economic consequence, failing to establish a useful accounting information analysis method system,
   etc. Based on the above problems, this paper puts forward the corresponding suggestion on the countermeasures. The conclusions
   in this paper have the positive implication for Chinese accounting standards reform and for accounting information to serve the real
       Key Words: accounting standards; accounting information; accounting objective; financial statement; profitability; eco鄄
   nomic consequence

                                                                          (本文责编摇 王沈南)

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