Page 32 - 《北京工商大学学报(社会科学版)》2020年第6期
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第 35 卷摇 第 6 期           高摇 振, 江若尘: 消费情景、感知质量对产品溢价的影响

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    The Effect of Consumption Situation and Perceived Quality on Price Premium
                  ———An Empirical Research on the Format of Vending Machine

                                             1                2
                                    GAO Zhen & JIANG Ruochen
               (1. College of Business Administration, Shanghai Business School, Shanghai 201400, China;
             2. College of Business, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai 200070, China)

       Abstract: Intelligent retail, represented by intelligent vending machine, has become an important new鄄type retail format and
   has promoted China蒺s retail market towards the era of intelligent retailing. Using the questionnaire data in 2019, this paper meas鄄
   ures the consumption situation of vending machine, consumer perceived quality and willingness to pay for the price premium of a
   product. On that basis, with the use of Tobit model analysis, it is found that consumption situation directly affects the price pre鄄
   mium of products sold in vending machine, and indirectly affects the price premium of products sold in vending machine through
   the mediating role of perceived quality. Simultaneously, hierarchical regression method is used and it is found that consumer
   health consciousness is significantly negative to affect the price premium of a product, but has no significant effect on the media鄄
   ting effect of perceived quality. Therefore, building up consumption situation for vending machine from various aspects such as
   optimizing the location decision of vending machines, increasing the proportion of health鄄care products and creating social nature
   of consumption situations, etc. is the key to improving customer perceived quality and willingness to pay the price premium for
   products in vending machines.
       Key Words: consumption situation; perceived quality; health consciousness; price premium; vending machine

                                                                          (本文责编摇 邓摇 艳)

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