Page 78 - 《北京工商大学学报(社会科学版)》2020年第3期
P. 78

第 35 卷摇 第 3 期       摇 摇 赵晓涛, 邱摇 斌, 陈晓平: 关税对企业贸易边际的异质性影响

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         Impact of Tariff on Firm蒺s Trade Margin Heterogeneity Based on

                 Tariff Rate and Trade Policy Uncertainty Perspective

                                         1         1                2
                             ZHAO Xiaotao , QIU Bin & CHEN Xiaoping
             (1. School of Economics and Management, Southeast University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210096, China;
                2. Economic Growth Center,Nanyang Technologic University, Singapore 639798, Singapore)

       Abstract: Tariff is an important factor that influences a firm蒺s export decision鄄making. Using China蒺s WTO accession as a
   quasi鄄natural experiment, based on the Chinese firms蒺 matched data in both China Industrial Enterprise Database and Customs
   Trade Database during the years from 2000 to 2006, we empirically adopt the difference鄄in鄄difference method to investigate the
   heterogeneous impacts on the firms蒺 trade margin from the two dimensions including tariff rates and trade policy uncertainty. The
   research finds that the reduction of tariff rates mainly increases a firm蒺s extensive margin but the reduction of trade policy uncer鄄
   tainty mainly reduces a firm蒺s intensive margin. Specifically speaking, the enterprises in the industry where the tariff rates drop
   more have an increase in their extensive margin, but the corresponding enterprises蒺 intensive margin increases less, resulting in a
   decrease in their total export. In the industries where the tariff policy uncertainty reduces a lot, the intensive margin increases in
   the enterprises in the export to the United States while the corresponding extensive margin increase is relatively small, resulting in
   an increase in their total export to the United States. The research conclusion shows that government should reduce the tariff rates
   and tariff policy uncertainty to improve the consumer蒺s welfare and the quality of firms蒺 export.
       Key Words: firms蒺 trade margin; tariff rate; trade policy uncertainty; intensive margin; extensive margin; difference鄄in鄄
   difference (DID) method

                                                                          (本文责编摇 邓摇 艳)

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