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第 34 卷摇 第 3 期            许摇 军: 私募股权投资基金对中小企业成长性的影响

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       Impact of Private Equity Investment Funds on Development of SMEs:
       Based on Data from New Three鄄Board Companies from 2011 to 2016

                                              XU Jun
              (Department of Economics and Management, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China)

       Abstract: Small and Medium鄄sized Enterprise (SMEs) are the key to maintaining the vitality of China蒺s national economy,
   and the development of SMEs has received much attention from the society. Based on the unbalanced panel data of the New
   Three鄄Board enterprises since 2011 to 2016, this paper empirically analyzes the impact of the entry of private equity investment
   funds on the development of SMEs. The empirical results show that the entry of private equity funds significantly promotes the in鄄
   crease of enterprise scale and the increase of profitability as well as the improvement of quality of enterprise earnings. The impact
   is more obvious considering the listing period of the new three boards as a tool variable. When considering the entry rounds, the
   private equity fund蒺s entry in round A has significantly promoted the growth of the company, and significantly promoted the quality
   of the company蒺s earnings, but did not significantly promote the profitability of the company. The private equity investment fund
   has a significant positive impact on the total assets and income quality of the company in round B. When private equity investment
   funds enter the company in multiple rounds, it has a significant positive impact on the enterprise scale, profitability and quality of
   earnings. Therefore, we should pay attention to the role of private equity funds in alleviating the financing dilemma of SMEs and
   improving the management level of SMEs, improve the corresponding policy norms, and further guarantee the capital security in
   the process of private equity investment.
       Key Words: private equity investment fund; Small and Medium鄄sized Enterprise; growth performance; corporate govern鄄
   ance; business management; investment round

                                                                          (本文责编摇 王沈南)

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