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北京工商大学学报(社会科学版)摇 摇 摇 摇 2019 年摇 第 3 期

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               The Influence of Family Control on Sentimental Effect of

                              Listed Companies蒺 Stock Return

                                    YIN Haiyuan & ZHENG Yafan
                (International Business School, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi蒺an, Shannxi 710119, China)

       Abstract: Whether family control in listed companies will affect investors蒺 judgment of stock valuation is rarely involved in
   the existing research literature. Based on the sample data of China蒺s A鄄share family鄄owned listed companies during the years from
   2009 to 2017, this paper analyzes the influence of family control degree on the sentiment effect of stock return (SESR) from the
   perspective of stock excess return rate to investor sentiment sensitivity. The moderating effects of information disclosure, inter鄄
   generational inheritance and industry competition are discussed as well. The empirical results show that the increase of family
   control can aggravate SESR, i. e. the stock excess return rate is more sensitive to the fluctuation of investor sentiment. The result
   also indicates that the smaller the company is, the lower the book鄄to鄄market ratio is, and the more obvious the SESR is. The in鄄
   fluence of family control on SESR can be reduced for companies with a higher degree of equity balance, which indicates that an
   effective governance structure can weaken SESR. The information disclosure, intergenerational inheritance, and market competi鄄
   tion of companies can significantly negatively regulate the impact of family control on SESR. By improving the regulatory status of
   these variables, it can effectively alleviate the impact of investor sentiment on the stock price of a family control company and pro鄄
   mote the smooth operation of the stock market.
       Key Words: family control; sentiment effect of stock return (SESR); intergenerational transmission; information disclo鄄
   sure; industry competition

                                                                          (本文责编摇 王摇 轶)

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