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第 34 卷摇 第 1 期   张摇 燚, 刘进平, 卢方杰: 中国自主品牌形象提升的关键驱动因素及对策研究

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        Research on Key Driving Factors and Countermeasures to Improve
             Chinese Self鄄owned Brand Image: Based on Perspectives of

                        Orthopedics and Shaping Communication

                                ZHANG Yi, LIU Jinping & LU Fangjie
                     (Southwest University of Political Science & Law, Chongqing 401120, China)

       Abstract: Promoting the image of self鄄owned brands is an important realistic proposition to improve the consumption envi鄄
   ronment of self鄄owned brands and expand the consumption market of self鄄owned brands. To clarify the root causes and influencing
   factors of negative stereotypes of self鄄owned brands is the theoretical basis for exploring the key driving factors and strategic coun鄄
   termeasures for promoting the image of self鄄owned brands. Firstly, this paper uses the grounded theory to conduct an exploratory
   study on the audience蒺s follow鄄up posts in eight BBS forums. It finds that the six main categories, including negative corporate
   image, negative domestic product image, negative government image, media rendering, indifferent awareness of domestic prod鄄
   ucts and pressure of social norms, are the main factors that lead to negative stereotypes of self鄄owned brands. Then the category
   is taken as a measurement item and the main category as a latent variable. The questionnaire survey and empirical analysis show
   that the six main categories have a significantly positive influence on the negative stereotype of self鄄owned brands. On that basis,
   according to the influencing factors of negative stereotype of self鄄owned brands, the five key driving factors (i. e. corporate image
   driving factor, government image driving factor, media framework driving factor, consumer emotional driving factor and social
   norm driving factor) for the promotion of self鄄owned brand image are extracted. Then it discusses the impact effect of five key
   driving factors and countermeasures, and constructs a model of the impact effect of key driving factors for the image promotion of
   self鄄owned brands.
       Key Words: self鄄owned brand image; image promotion; image driving factor; orthopedics; shaping; negative stereotype

                                                                          (本文责编摇 邓摇 艳)

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