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北京工商大学学报(社会科学版)摇 摇 摇 摇 2019 年摇 第 1 期

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             The Impact of Inclusive Finance Level of Family on Family

                            Entrepreneurship Decision鄄making:
                         an Empirical Test Based on CHFS Data

                                  ZHANG Zhengping & SHI Hongling
               (1郾 School of Economics, Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing 100048, China;
               2郾 China National Postal & Telecommunications Appliances Co. , Ltd. , Beijing 100045, China)

       Abstract: Under the background of the government蒺s vigorous encouragement of “mass entrepreneurship and innovation冶
   and the active development of inclusive finance in China, it is of great significance to reveal the micro鄄influencing mechanism of
   financial service level on family entrepreneurship decision鄄making (FED) from the perspective of inclusive finance. Therefore,
   based on the framework of inclusive finance theory, measuring IFLF from the three dimensions such as credit, commercial insur鄄
   ance and third鄄party payment, with China Family Finance Survey data, this paper builds a Probit model and empirically tests the
   impact of inclusive finance level of family (IFLF) on FED. The results show the following. There is a significantly positive im鄄
   pact of IFLF on FED, with a bigger impact on rural families. There is a heterogeneous impact on FED, and the families with low
   and medium wealth are more affected by the credit availability, the families with middle risk aversion level are more promoted by
   the commercial insurance coverage, and the families in rural areas with backward financial infrastructure are more obviously posi鄄
   tive promoted by the payment convenience. The above conclusions indicate that increasing the IFLF, improving the social safe鄄
   guard system and promoting the balanced development of urban and rural areas can help boost the family entrepreneurship.
       Key Words: inclusive finance level of family (IFLF); family entrepreneurship decision鄄making (FED); credit availabili鄄
   ty; payment convenience; commercial insurance coverage
                                                                          (本文责编摇 王摇 轶)

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