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第 34 卷摇 第 3 期         刘摇 洁, 毕秀玲: 签字审计师搭档异质性特征与审计意见研究

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                Research on Signature Auditor Partner蒺s Heterogeneity

                       Characteristics and Audit Opinion Based on
                         Perspective of Media Reports Utilization

                                        LIU Jie & BI Xiuling
                   (Shandong University of Finance and Economics, Jinan, Shandong 250002, China)

       Abstract: The impact of media reports on audit behavior has become a research hotspot in recent years. Most of the current
   researches regard the two signature auditor partners as a whole, neglecting the objective reality of the differences between media
   reports acquisition and cognitive ability. Based on Limited Attention Theory and Upper Echelons Theory, we probe into the role of
   signature auditor partner蒺s heterogeneity characteristics in media reports concern and utilization. It finds that signature auditor
   partner蒺s heterogeneity characteristics can significantly weaken the impact of positive reports on audit opinion, and increase the
   possibility to issue non鄄standard audit opinions. Distinguishing the intimate relationship between signature auditor partner and
   their customers, we find out that signature auditor partner with heterogeneity characteristics can significantly weaken the impact of
   customer intimacy on the issuance of non鄄standard audit opinions, and increase the probability for signature auditor partner to is鄄
   sue the non鄄standard audit opinions. Therefore, audit teams, accounting firms and regulatory authorities should consider fully the
   heterogeneity characteristics of signature auditor partner, such as position and professional background, etc. , in order to rational鄄
   ly allocate auditor resources and form a human capital structure more in line with the needs of auditing practice.
       Key Words: media report; signature auditor; signature auditor partner; partner characteristics; heterogeneous characteris鄄
   tics; audit opinion

                                                                          (本文责编摇 王沈南)

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