Page 108 - 《北京工商大学学报(社会科学版)》2020年第6期
P. 108
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Research on the Effect of Front鄄line Employees蒺 Trust in
Supervisor on Job Engagement in Physical Supermarkets
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JIN Dongmei ,摇 LI Dan & WEN Zhiyi
(1. Business School, Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing 100048, China;
2. Personnel Testing Center, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Beijing 100013, China)
Abstract: As the direct creators of the benefits of the physical supermarkets, the front鄄line employees are critical to the sur鄄
vival and development of the physical supermarkets in the market. Based on the questionnaire survey data of 366 front鄄line em鄄
ployees of the physical supermarkets, an empirical analysis is conducted of the construction of the model of the influence of trust
in supervisors, self鄄management and distributive justice on job engagement of the front鄄line employees of the physical supermar鄄
kets. The study finds that trust in supervisors of the front鄄line employees in the physical supermarkets has a significantly positive
effect on job engagement. Self鄄management plays a partial mediating role in the influence of trust in supervisor on job engage鄄
ment. Distributive justice positively moderates the influence of cognition鄄based trust dimension of trust in supervisor on job en鄄
gagement, and does not have a moderating effect on the influence of the affect鄄based trust dimension of trust in supervisor on job
engagement. Distributive justice positively moderates the mediating effect of the planning dimension and the catch鄄up dimension
of self鄄management between trust in supervisor and job engagement. Distributive justice has no moderating effect on the mediating
effect of self鄄management蒺s emotion management dimension between trust in supervisor and job engagement. Therefore, in order
to strengthen job engagement of the front鄄line employees, the physical supermarkets need to strengthen the construction of the cor鄄
porate trust culture, improve the self鄄management level of the front鄄line employees, improve the salary distribution system and
motivate employees to devote themselves to work.
Key Words: physical supermarket; front鄄line employee; trust in supervisor; self鄄management; distributive justice; job en鄄
(本文责编摇 王摇 轶)
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