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第 35 卷摇 第 5 期摇 摇 陈摇 虹, 王摇 蓓: 生产性服务进口技术复杂度对我国高技术制造企业自主创新的影响研究

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              Research on Impact of Technical Complexity of Productive
                 Service Import on Independent Innovation in China蒺s

                           High鄄tech Manufacturing Enterprises

                                      CHEN Hong & WANG Bei
                 (Economics and Management School, Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei 430072, China)

       Abstract: With the background of China蒺s proposal to build a higher鄄level open economy, this paper explores whether the o鄄
   pening of productive service import can promote the independent innovation in China蒺s high鄄tech manufacturing enterprises. Using
   the data of China蒺s high鄄tech manufacturing enterprises and productive service import trade data during the years from 2002 to
   2016, it deeply investigates the size, direction and mechanism of the impact of technical complexity of productive service import
   on the independent innovation output and input in China蒺s high鄄tech manufacturing enterprises. The results show that the improve鄄
   ment of technical complexity of productive service import significantly promotes the output and input of independent innovation in
   high鄄tech manufacturing enterprises. Moreover, it ultimately enhances the independent innovation by improving the industrial
   structure upgrading and labor productivity and reducing the manufacturing cost in high鄄tech manufacturing enterprises. The im鄄
   pact is significantly different depending on different types of imported productive services, and the import of financial services,
   information services, and R&D services has more significant impact on independent innovation. The impact is also significantly
   different due to the differences in economic organization patterns and scale of high鄄tech manufacturing enterprises. The effect is
   more significant on non鄄state鄄owned enterprises and large鄄scale enterprises. Finally, based on the research conclusions, this pa鄄
   per puts forward the policy recommendations such as increasing the open policy for financial services, information services and
   R&D services, and reducing the trade cost of introducing the productive services with high technical complexity.
       Key Words: productive service; technical complexity of import; independent innovation; industrial integration; high鄄tech
   manufacturing enterprise

                                                                          (本文责编摇 邓摇 艳)

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