Page 78 - 北京工商大学学报社会科学版2018年第6期
P. 78
第 33 卷摇 第 6 期 潘摇 莹, 张华容: 贸易与个体人力资本投资:研究综述及展望
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Trade and Individual Human Capital Investment: Review and Prospect
PAN Ying & ZHANG Huarong
(School of Business Administration, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan, Hubei 430073, China)
Abstract: The intersection of labor economics and international trade theory has become the forefront of international trade
research. Since the creation of the new trade theory, the important role of human capital in economic and trade development has
drawn wide attention. Research on human capital or educational drivers is increasingly important to a nation蒺s economic growth.
When a closed鄄economy turns to open, trade through various mechanisms such as local labor market employment, skill premium,
etc. will ultimately affect the expected return and opportunity cost of individual education investment and will act on individual
education investment decisions. This paper systematically combs the framework of international trade analysis of endogenous hu鄄
man capital embedded in the theoretical literature, emphasizing on the important role of individual ability in theoretical modeling.
From the two aspects of direct effect and indirect effect, it summarizes the various ways of trade impact on individual human cap鄄
ital in empirical research. Based on literature review and combined with the practice in China蒺s development, this paper tries to
put forward the possible future research directions.
Key Words: trade; human capital investment; education; individual ability; skill premium; firm heterogeneity
(本文责编摇 邓摇 艳)
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