Page 62 - 《北京工商大学学报(社会科学版)》2020年第2期
P. 62
第 35 卷摇 第 2 期 鲁慧鑫, 郭根龙, 冯宗宪: 服务贸易限制、制度质量与国家经济增长
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Service Trade Restriction, Institutional Quality and
National Economic Growth
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LU Huixin , GUO Genlong & FENG Zongxian
(1. School of Economics and Finance, Xi蒺an Jiaotong University, Xi蒺an, Shaanxi 710061, China;
2. School of Economics and Management, Shanxi Normal University, Linfen, Shanxi 041001, China)
Abstract: After the financial crisis, as a new engine to drive the growth of world trade, service trade has an important im鄄
pact on the national economic growth. On the basis of reviewing relevant theories and literature, and based on the transnational
panel data of 80 countries during the years from 2004 to 2017, this paper makes an empirical analysis of the impact of service
trade restrictions on national economic growth, and further explores the regulatory role of national institutional quality. The re鄄
search finds that service trade restrictions would hinder the economic growth, and the high鄄quality political and economic institu鄄
tions could alleviate effectively the hindrance. From the perspective of national heterogeneity, service trade restrictions have dif鄄
ferent effects on economic growth in countries of different income levels, with the biggest negative impact on the economic growth
in high鄄income countries, less impact in the middle鄄and鄄high鄄income countries and middle鄄and鄄low鄄income countries, and the
least impact in low鄄income countries. The political institution quality and the economic institution quality have a positive regulato鄄
ry role in countries of different income levels. From the perspective of industry heterogeneity, the professional service has the big鄄
gest negative impact of service trade restrictions on the economic growth, then the transportation services and communication serv鄄
ices, and finally the financial services. Both political institution quality and economic institution quality have the positive regula鄄
tory role for different industries. From the perspective of heterogeneity of service trade supply mode, the cross鄄border delivery
mode restriction has a more negative impact on economic growth than commercial existence and natural person flow mode, and the
institutional quality has a weakening regulating effect. The research results show that relaxing the service trade restrictions, im鄄
proving the quality of institutions, and promoting the modernization of the country蒺s governance system and governance capacity
will help boost the economic growth.
Key Words: service trade restriction; political institutional quality; economic institutional quality; economic growth; in鄄
strumental variable method
(本文责编摇 邓摇 艳)
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