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第 34 卷摇 第 1 期              靳摇 毓: 税收政策影响企业投资行为的研究综述

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                    Literature Review on Impact of Tax Policy upon
                              Enterprise Investment Behavior

                                              JIN Yu
      (School of Public Finance and Taxation, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wu Han, Hubei 430073, China)

       Abstract: Tax policies are a package of policy instruments for national economic regulation, so it is very important to evalu鄄
   ate their economic consequence. There is a lack of systematic review about how tax policies affect enterprise investment behavior.
   By reviewing the existing research, it is found that the economic consequence of evaluating investment tax incentive policies may
   be affected by several factors, such as capital adjustment cost, financing constraints, corporate governance, enterprise蒺s expecta鄄
   tion of tax policy uncertainty, corporate heterogeneity, and capital price. Tax policies not only affect the investment level, invest鄄
   ment timing and investment structure of an enterprise, but also affect the investment efficiency. Future research needs to strength鄄
   en the accuracy of evaluating the effectiveness of tax policies, and pay more attention to the economic consequences of temporary
   tax incentives and uncertainty of tax policies, the effectiveness differences of various tax instruments, the cross - disciplinary per鄄
   spectives in economics and management, etc.
       Key Words: tax policy; investment behavior; investment scale; investment timing; investment structure; investment effi鄄
   ciency; literature review

                                                                          (本文责编摇 王摇 轶)

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