Page 62 - 《北京工商大学学报(社会科学版)》
P. 62
第 35 卷摇 第 5 期 吕摇 越, 李美玉: 贸易便利化与全球价值链嵌入
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Trade Facilitation and Global Value Chain Embedment
L譈 Yue & LI Meiyu
(University of International Business and Economics, Beijing 100029, China)
Abstract: Global value chain (GVC) specialization is a significant feature of the current world economy, and trade facilita鄄
tion is undoubtedly the key to promoting the GVC specialization to develop in depth. Based on the data of bilateral trade of 42
countries during the years from 2006 to 2014, this paper empirically studies how the level of trade facilitation of each country af鄄
fects the degree of GVC embedment and internal mechanism on the basis of measuring the degree of GVC embedment and trade
facilitation level of each country. The research finds that the improvement of trade facilitation will significantly promote the degree
of GVC embedment. Trade facilitation will promote a country蒺s participation in GVC by improving the level of opening up and ex鄄
panding its domestic market scale. From the perspective of distinguishing the countries along the “Belt and Road冶 (B&R) and
non鄄B&R countries, trade facilitation level has a more significant effect on B&R countries蒺 participation in GVC. From the per鄄
spective of distinguishing time period, after the 2008 financial crisis, trade facilitation plays a more prominent role in promoting
the degree of GVC embedment. From the perspective of trade facilitation, the research will provide possible ideas for a higher lev鄄
el of integrating into GVC specialization, and then provide the useful theoretical support for the construction of new system in
China蒺s comprehensive opening up.
Key Words: global value chain (GVC); trade facilitation; the “Belt and Road冶; opening up; domestic market scale
(本文责编摇 邓摇 艳)
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