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北京工商大学学报(社会科学版)摇 摇 摇 摇 2019 年摇 第 3 期
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Social Mobility and Income Distribution Justice Satisfaction of Residents
SUN Jingshui & CAI Peipei
(School of Economics, Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310018, China)
Abstract: This paper puts forward theoretical hypothesis, constructs Ordered Logit model, and conducts empirical research
on the relationship between social mobility and income distribution justice satisfaction based on the data of 3109 questionnaires.
The research shows the following findings. (1) Household registration mobility has a significant positive effect on income distri鄄
bution justice satisfaction, while the interaction term between household registration and education years has a significant negative
effect on income distribution justice satisfaction. (2) Upward income mobility has a significant positive impact on income distri鄄
bution justice satisfaction. The rural residents who have higher absolute income enjoy higher income distribution justice satisfac鄄
tion, while the urban residents who have higher relative income enjoy higher income distribution justice satisfaction. (3) Educa鄄
tion mobility has a significant positive impact on income distribution justice satisfaction. Urban residents and low鄄income residents
who realize intra鄄generational education mobility are more satisfied with the income distribution justice satisfaction than rural resi鄄
dents and middle鄄income residents. (4) People who have higher grade of occupation and post enjoy higher degree of distribution
justice satisfaction. The upward mobility of occupation and post has a significant positive effect on the distribution justice satisfac鄄
tion. The research result provides important policy implications: to promote social mobility (household registration mobility, in鄄
come mobility, education mobility, occupation and post mobility), especially to promote the upward mobility of the bottom
group, which is not only conducive to the healthy development of economic society but also significant in improving residents蒺 sat鄄
isfaction with the income distribution justice.
Key Words: household registration mobility; income mobility; education mobility; occupation and post mobility; distribu鄄
tion justice satisfaction
(本文责编摇 王摇 轶)
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