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北京工商大学学报(社会科学版)摇 摇 摇 摇 2019 年摇 第 3 期

   数字化应用等专业技能,弱化“技术性失业冶的恐                          2017.
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   国人口与劳动问题报告,北京: 社会科学文献出版社,
                New Driving Force of China蒺s Economic Growth in the
                           Context of Economic Transformation

                              ZHANG Juwei, ZHAO Wen & WANG Boya
          (Institute of Population and Labor Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing 100732, China)

       Abstract: With the change of internal and external economic environment, China蒺s old growth pattern relying on the input of
   factors cannot be sustained. For sustainable economic growth, China must seek economic transformation and upgrading. New e鄄
   conomy has higher productivity and faster growth rate than traditional economy, which is a new driving force in pushing China蒺s e鄄
   conomic growth. At the same time, new economy can adjust the relationship between production and consumption and satisfy the
   differentiated consumption demand, which indicates the economic change brought by new round industrial revolution and repre鄄
   sents a new direction for structural transformation and upgrading. New economy promotes employment growth by creating new jobs
   as well as bringing the changes in ways and forms of employment and such employment can be called new employment according鄄
   ly. The result shows that new economy accounted for about 15郾 2% of national economy in 2017, nearly doubled compared with
   8% in 2007. New employment accounted for about 10郾 5% of national employment, also nearly doubled compared with 5郾 4% in
   2007. New economy has an increasing contribution in growth and employment. To seize the new opportunities brought by the new
   round of scientific and technological revolution, we must vigorously transform and upgrade traditional industries, accelerate the
   cultivation and growth of new industries and new formats, which is the key to realizing the dynamic economic growth in the context
   of current economic transformation.
       Key Words: economic growth; new economy; new driving force; new employment; innovation
                                                                          (本文责编摇 王摇 轶)

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