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北京工商大学学报(社会科学版)摇 摇 摇 摇 2018 年摇 第 5 期

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             The Impact of Property Right Institution on Capital Flight:
                   An Empirical Study Based on Multinational Data

                                      CAI Linghui & ZHU Yanfu
              (Economics School, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan, Hubei 430073, China)

       Abstract: The capital flight is the important factor which restricts the economic development of a nation. Reducing the cap鄄
   ital flight can promote the stable development of macroeconomic market. The impact of property right institution on capital flight
   cannot be ignored. The factor of property right institution is incorporated into the random effect model which is used to study the
   impact of property right institution on capital flight. Then, considering the endogeneity of intellectual property rights, the relation鄄
   ship is explored in depth between property right institution and capital flight with the two鄄stage least squares method. Based on
   the panel data analysis of 60 countries during the years from 2006 to 2016, the research shows that intellectual property right is
   endogenous from economic developmental level of a nation and economic developmental level has a significant impact on intellec鄄
   tual property right. In the classified samples, legal and political environment (LP) has different negative effects on capital flight
   in both developed and developing countries, intellectual property right (IPR) has different positive effects on them and physical
   property right (PPR) only has a positive effect on capital flight in the developed countries. To sum up the research conclusion,
   the key to reducing the capital flight is to set up the systems of intellectual property right and physical property right which can
   meet the economic developmental level of a nation, improve the laws and regulations of property rights, and maintain the stability
   of political environment.
       Key Words: property right institution; capital flight; intellectual property right index (IPR); physical property right index
   (PPR); legal and political environment index (LP); economic development level

                                                                          (本文责编摇 王摇 轶)

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