Process and Mechanism of Digital Empowerment for Agile Product Innovation —An Exploratory Case Analysis of Chi Forest
中文关键词:  数字化赋能  新消费企业  敏捷产品创新  数据驱动  快速迭代
英文关键词:digital empowerment  new consumption enterprises  agile product innovation  data-driven  rapid iteration
胡曦 天津财经大学, 天津 300221 
彭正银 天津财经大学, 天津 300221 
吴晓娟 天津财经大学, 天津 300221 
摘要点击次数: 6
全文下载次数: 4
      In the digital context, product innovation in new consumption enterprises is characterized by data-driven approaches, rapid trial-and-error, and swift iteration. This paper employs Chi Forest as a case study to analyze the dynamics of agile product innovation within new consumption enterprises and the mechanisms of digital empowerment. The research indicates that product innovation in new consumption enterprises commences with a profound understanding of user needs and market opportunities, achieving breakthroughs through differentiated positioning tailored to high-growth niche markets. Furthermore, these enterprises employ data-driven methods for product research and development (R&D) and testing to facilitate rapid trial-and-error, thereby identifying and screening out promising blockbuster products within the actual market context, and leveraging new media strategies for digital marketing to enhance brand momentum. The mechanism of digital empowerment is articulated as follows:during the product planning phase, cognition enhances enterprises' digital insight capabilities, to facilitate agile perception of market opportunities and precise alignment of product development direction; during the R&D and testing phase, process empowerment bolsters enterprises' digital and intelligent collaboration capabilities, to optimize business processes and improve R&D efficiency; finally, during the marketing phase, operation strengthens enterprises' digital and intelligent decision-making capabilities, to enable agile responses to marketing. Consequently, new consumption enterprises should adopt business-oriented digital empowerment strategies to enhance both product innovation and organizational agility, thereby efficiently adapting to the dynamic market environment.
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