Does Corporate Integrity Culture Influence Disclosures of Critical Audit Matters?
中文关键词:  企业诚信文化  关键审计事项  信息披露  文本相似度  语调积极性
英文关键词:corporate integrity culture  critical audit matters  information disclosures  text similarity  positive tone
高翀 上海对外经贸大学 会计学院, 上海 201620 
胡凯旋 中国政法大学 商学院, 北京 100088 
陈文瑞 广东外语外贸大学 会计学院, 广东 广州 510000 
摘要点击次数: 4
全文下载次数: 12
      Integrity is the foundation of business operations. Cultivating an integrity culture is essential for managing risk and increasing trust in the capital market. This paper examines the impact of corporate integrity culture on disclosures of critical audit matters (CAMs) and its mechanisms based on the data of China's A-share listed companies from 2016 to 2021. The study finds that a corporate integrity culture can reduce disclosures of CAMs and this effect is achieved by lowering the corporate operational risk, financial risk, and litigation risk of auditors. Heterogeneity analysis suggests that corporate integrity culture is more negatively correlated with disclosures of CAMs when companies are engaged in more relationship transactions and held by more institutional investors. Furthermore, a strong corporate integrity culture can lead to lower audit fees, fewer disclosures of CAMs with inconclusive evaluations, reduced similarity with industry peers, and positive tones in disclosures of CAMs. Therefore, companies should establish a long-term mechanism for operating with integrity, enhance their cultural soft power, and achieve high-quality corporate development. Auditors should consider corporate cultural characteristics to improve audit efficiency and quality. Additionally, the government should incentivize companies to fortify their integrity culture and promote the healthy development of the capital market. 
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