Relationship Between the Tone of Key Audit Matters and Analyst Attention
中文关键词:  关键审计事项语调  分析师关注  年报语调  管理层讨论与分析语调  审计师声誉  分析师声誉
英文关键词:tone of key audit matters  analyst attention  tone of annual reports  tone of management discussion and analysis texts  auditor reputation  analyst reputation
陆旭冉 云南大学 工商管理与旅游管理学院, 云南 昆明 650500 
武晓芬 云南大学 工商管理与旅游管理学院, 云南 昆明 650500 
史永 中南财经政法大学 会计学院, 湖北 武汉 430073 
摘要点击次数: 149
全文下载次数: 143
      The development of a high-quality capital market necessitates the availability of high-quality information. Key audit matters increase the heterogeneity and information content of audit reports, while analyst behaviors play a crucial role in disseminating information within the capital market. This study, using data from Chinese A-share listed companies from 2017 to 2021, explores the relationship between the tone of key audit matters and analyst attention, and the moderating effect of auditor and analyst reputations on this relationship. The results indicate a significant positive correlation between the two:a more positive tone of key audit matters means more analyst attention. Mechanism tests show that the tone of key audit matters influences analyst attention through the tone of annual reports and the tone of management discussion and analysis texts. The study also finds that auditor and analyst reputations play a positive moderating role in the relationship. However, this correlation becomes significant in companies without misconduct and with effective internal control. In addition, the tone of key audit matters positively influences analyst attention and thus reduces analyst forecast errors. Therefore, companies should pay close attention to the impact of the tone of key audit matters, investors should carefully consider the assessment of highly reputable auditors and analysts, and regulators should continuously improve relevant standards to facilitate the high-quality development of the capital market. 
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