A Review of Consumer Privacy Protection and Future Directions
中文关键词:  消费者隐私保护  隐私担忧  隐私疲劳  隐私素养  隐私悖论
英文关键词:consumer privacy protection  privacy concern  privacy fatigue  privacy literacy  privacy paradox
王永贵 浙江工商大学 现代商贸研究中心/工商管理学院, 浙江 杭州 310018 
刘俊琴 对外经济贸易大学 国际商学院, 北京 100029 
摘要点击次数: 86
全文下载次数: 366
      In the era of the digital economy, consumer data are becoming more accessible and valuable, yet also more fragile than ever. Correspondingly, issues related to consumer privacy protection have also received unprecedented attention. However, relevant research is still relatively scattered, and a series of key issues need to be further explored. By elaborating on the formation and resolution of the consumer privacy paradox, sorting out relevant research on the influencing factors of consumer privacy protection, exploring the collaborative path of consumer privacy protection among multiple entities such as customers, technology, enterprises, and the government, this paper constructs a comprehensive framework for consumer privacy protection research and reveals seven key research directions in the future:(1) identifying the differences in consumer privacy protection behaviors in different contexts and establishing the evaluation criteria for the rationality of privacy response behaviors; (2) further exploration of the causes and resolution strategies of consumer privacy paradox from multiple perspectives; (3) strengthening the in-depth investigation of the conditions and context of consumer privacy concerns affecting privacy protection behaviors; (4) further in-depth research on the measurement, formation, and cultivation mechanism of consumer privacy literacy; (5) thorough investigation of the antecedents and influencing mechanisms of consumer privacy fatigue; (6) taking into account the dynamic balance of responsibilities and interests of all parties, highlighting the synergies, and deeply exploring the path of consumer privacy protection through the collaboration of multiple entities; and (7) expanding the cross-cultural and localized research on consumer privacy protection. 
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