Does Global Production Network Improve Total Factor Productivity?
中文关键词:  全球生产网络  全要素生产率  节点中心度  凝聚子群  创新机制
英文关键词:global production network  total factor productivity  node centrality  cohesive subgroup  innovation mechanism
梁经伟 常州大学 吴敬琏经济学院, 江苏 常州 213164 
钟世川 广东金融学院 经济与贸易学院, 广东 广州 510521 
毛艳华 中山大学 港澳珠江三角洲研究中心, 广东 广州 510275 
摘要点击次数: 203
全文下载次数: 320
      Global production network, as an important feature of modern economic globalization, presents opportunities to an increasing number of developing economies to integrate themselves into the global economic system and realize technological advance and industrial upgrade. Based on the World Input-Output Tables during the 2000-2018 period and World Bank Open Data, this paper measures countries' node centrality in the global production network and total factor productivity, and then empirically studies the influence of global production network on total factor productivity and its intrinsic mechanism. It is found that node centrality, capital intensity and trade intensity of the global production network all have significantly positive impacts upon total factor productivity, the improvement of which is realized mainly by improving human capital and raising capitalization rate. Further analysis reveals that countries situated in the intermediate-intensity node, compared to those situated in the high-intensity and low-intensity nodes, can give better play to the growth effect of FDI. Compared to those in the hub, countries in the spoke seldom connected with others can give better play to the growth effect of trade. In addition, the subgroup featuring countries in the hub gives better play to the growth effect of FDI. For one thing, developing economies should actively participate in the global division of production and improve their centrality in the network so as to give better play to their human capital and increase their capitalization rate. For another thing, developing economies should seize the initiative to integrate themselves into the subgroup featuring countries in the hub to give better play to FDI through the agglomeration effect so as to maintain the sustainable growth of total factor productivity. 
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