Investor Behavior Erosion, Fund Manager Effort and Fund Performance
中文关键词:  基金业绩  换手率  基金经理技能  申购和赎回  投资者侵蚀  自由裁量交易
英文关键词:fund performance  turnover  fund manager skill  purchase and redemption  investor erosion  discretionary trading
林博 中国社会科学院 工业经济研究所博士后流动站, 北京 100006 
方梦然 华夏银行 博士后科研工作站, 北京 100005 
杨戈 中关村发展集团 博士后科研工作站, 北京 100080 
摘要点击次数: 200
全文下载次数: 411
      In recent years, mutual funds have become an important tool for households to achieve diversified investment, which is of great help to increase residents' property income. The probe into the driving factors of fund performance has become a hot issue in academic circles. With the panel data of 441 mutual fund in China during the years from 2004 to 2017 as research sample, this paper empirically tests the impact of investor behavior erosion and fund manager's efforts on fund performance. The research finds that the performance of mutual funds depends not only on the efforts of fund managers but also on the behavior of fund investors. Specifically, the purchase and redemption done by Chinese mutual fund investors have an impact on fund managers' non-discretionary transactions. By controlling the impact of investors' fund purchase and redemption, fund managers' discretionary trading would have a positive impact on fund performance. The research results indicate that in the Chinese mutual fund market, the behavior of speculators and short-sighted fund investors erode the efforts of fund managers. Therefore, measures such as strengthening retail fund investors' education, enhancing the interaction and information communication, etc. can be taken to minimize the impact of unstable fund investor's behavior so as to improve the sustainability of fund performance. 
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