M&A Performance Commitment and “Benign” Goodwill Impairment Based on the Data of GEM Listed Companies
中文关键词:  创业板  并购  业绩承诺  “良性”商誉减值  “恶性”商誉减值  风险缓释  风险识别
英文关键词:Growth Enterprise Market (GEM)  merger and acquisition (M&A)  performance commitment  “benign” goodwill impairment  “malignant” goodwill impairment  risk mitigation  risk identification
汤湘希 中南财经政法大学 会计学院, 湖北 武汉 430073 
章琳 中南财经政法大学 会计学院, 湖北 武汉 430073 
许诺 浙江财经大学 会计与经济发展研究院, 浙江 杭州 310018 
摘要点击次数: 298
全文下载次数: 450
      In recent years, “thunderstorm” incidents of goodwill have occurred frequently and the capital market has already been in the fright for the danger of the goodwill impairment. Based on the mergers and acquisitions (M&A) events on the Growth Enterprise Market (GEM) during the years from 2009 to 2017, this paper theoretically analyzes and empirically tests the impact of M&A performance commitment on goodwill impairment mode. The research finds that the management often manipulates the opportunity of goodwill impairment for self-interest, and makes a one-time and huge “malignant” goodwill impairment, which seriously affects the order of the capital market. Performance commitment has the function of risk identification and risk mitigation for goodwill impairment, which reduces the ability and motivation of the management to manipulate the impairment. When the performance of the merged enterprise fails to meet the expectation, timely, fractional and small amount of impairment can ensure the value relevance of goodwill information and contribute to the formation of a “benign” goodwill impairment mechanism. Further analysis excludes the alternative hypothesis, which proves the regulatory role and mechanism of performance commitment. Therefore, it puts forward the suggestion that the regulatory authorities should formulate the policies and promote the application of performance commitment in high goodwill impairment M&A and continuously supervise the high-goodwill enterprises so as to mitigate the risk of goodwill impairment in the capital market. 
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