Research on Essence of Corporate Control Right
中文关键词:  控制权争夺  控制权配置  剩余控制权  剩余索取权  要素主体  价值创造
英文关键词:fight for control right  configuration of control right  residual control right  residual claim right  element provider  value creation
基金项目:国家社会科学基金重大项目(14ZDA027); 国家社会科学基金重点项目(14AJY005); 北京工商大学国有资产管理协同创新中心项目(GZ20130801)。
谢志华 北京工商大学 商学院/国有资产管理协同创新中心, 北京 100048 
摘要点击次数: 294
全文下载次数: 330
      Research on corporate control right mainly focuses on the probe into the fight for corporate control right. The essence of fight for corporate control right is a process of reconfiguring and adjusting the corporate control right which is unreasonably allocated. Through a summary on the domestic and foreign cases such as Facebook, NVC Lighting Co., Vanke, and Alibaba in the fight for corporate control right, this paper believes that the reasonable configuration of corporate control right is the premise to the formation and development of a company. Moreover, it summarizes the five trends of corporate control right in the process of reconfiguration and adjustment. On that basis, this paper further points out the importance of bases for the configuration of corporate control right to the value creation of a company, namely environment factor, material factor, decision-making factor and implementation factor provided by the element providers including governments, investors, operators, and employees. Finally, this paper makes clear the overall trend in the configuration and adjustment of corporate control right, namely the higher the importance of an factor to the value creation of a company that an element-provider can do, the more the control right it can enjoy. The research conclusion reveals the general laws in the reconfiguration and adjustment of corporate control right to deepen the research in the field of corporate control right. In the meantime, it also provides reference and enlightenment to alleviating the fight for control right problem in practice. 
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