Adjustable to Local Conditions:Industrial Structure Change and Total Factor Productivity Based on Empirical Evidence of 230 Cities in China
中文关键词:  全要素生产率  产业结构变迁  产业结构服务化  工业化  服务业结构高级化  区域异质性
英文关键词:Total Factors Productivity (TFP)  industrial structure change  tertiarization of industrial structure  industrialization  optimization of service industry structure  regional heterogeneity
杨向阳 南京大学 经济学院, 江苏 南京 210093
南京财经大学, 江苏 南京 210023 
潘妍 南京财经大学, 江苏 南京 210023 
童馨乐 南京财经大学, 江苏 南京 210023 
摘要点击次数: 506
全文下载次数: 463
      China's economic entity has changed from high-speed growth to high-quality development which is feathered by supply-side reform. Promoting the upgrading of industrial structure is the key to promoting the structural reform of supply side. In this situation, how can we promote the upgrading of industrial structure to drive the growth of China's total factor productivity (TFP)? Based on the data of 230 prefecture-level cities during the years from 2004 to 2016 and the fixed effects model, this paper examines the impact of industrial structure change on TFP from three aspects:tertiarization, industrialization and the optimization of service industry. The results show that:(1) The tertiarization of industrial structure cannot improve TFP. Only when the tertiarization of industrial structure and the optimization of service industry structure occurred at the same time can TFP be improved. (2) The process of local industrialization and the optimization of service industry will be conducive to TFP growth. (3) The local government should formulate the industrial structure policy according to the actual situation. For the eastern region, the tertiarization of industrial will be beneficial to the growth of TFP. For the central and western regions, the industrialization will be more conducive to the growth of TFP. Based on the above conclusions, this paper believes that each region needs to pay attention to the optimization of service industry while the industrial structure is upgrading. According to factor endowment, economic conditions and industrialization level, the local government should establish a more comprehensive indicator system for the industrial structure upgrading to promote total factor productivity growth. 
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