Financial Constraint, Market Structure and Servitization of Manufacturing Industry
中文关键词:  融资约束  市场结构  制造业服务化  挤入效应  创新  实体经济
英文关键词:financial constraint  market structure  servitization of manufacturing industry  crowding-in effect  innovation  real economy
顾乃华 暨南大学 产业经济研究院, 广东 广州 510632 
胡晓丹 暨南大学 产业经济研究院, 广东 广州 510632 
胡品平 广东省科学技术情报研究所, 广东 广州 510000 
摘要点击次数: 469
全文下载次数: 440
      Servitization of manufacturing industry is an important means and a realistic choice for the transformation and upgrading of China's real economy under New Normal era. Based on the Chinese input-output data of the WIOD database during the years from 2000 to 2014, this paper examines the effect of financial constraints in China's 18 manufacturing sectors and market structure on their servitization. The study finds that the internal and external financial constraints faced by manufacturing sectors will significantly inhibit their servitization. The highest-end servitization of professional technology, the low-end servitization of transport and warehousing, and the servitization of wholesale and retail suffer a more pronounced inhibitory effect, while the high-end and mid-end servitization of information communication have a “crowding-in effect”. Market competition will aggravate the restraint effect of financial constraint on the servitization of manufacturing industry, but it will not affect the relationship between internal financial constraint and servitization of manufacturing industry. Further analysis shows that financial constraints are not conducive to improving the innovation capabilities of manufacturing industry. Therefore, under the background of market-oriented reform to promote competition, we should impel the reform of financial system and strengthen its ability to serve the real economy so as to reduce the external financial constraints of manufacturing industry.
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