The Effect of Too Much Choice:Concept Evolvement, Premises and Behavioral Decision-Making Mechanism
中文关键词:  过多选择效应  行为决策  有限理性  目标导向  前瞻性情绪
英文关键词:effect of too much choice  behavioral decision  bounded rationality  goal orientation  forward-looking emotion
卢长宝 福州大学 经济与管理学院,福建 福州 350108 
黄桂艳 福州大学 经济与管理学院,福建 福州 350108 
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      The effect of too much choice is a term used to outline psychological and behavioral reactions occurring while a behaviorist is faced with a larger selection set. As a result of bounded rationality, when this effect happens, there must be three premises including no difference, incomplete information and goal orientation, while no difference will result in perceived similarity, and incomplete information will lead to the inability to make a comprehensive judgment. In fact, the first two premises can be combined to cause decision-making difficulty and cognitive conflict, while goal orientation will bring about forward-looking emotions such as anxiety, regret, etc. If a decision-making is not looked as a goal-oriented task, both cognitive and emotional responses can result in choice deferral. Conversely, even if strong negative responses emerge, individuals will still make decisions for fulfilling the task. However, the negative mental status will exist even after the decision-making. That is to say, anxiety and anticipated regret have not been eliminated. In the future, goal-oriented decision theory and behavioral decision theory can be united to conduct more systematic studies on the interaction of emotion, cognition and behavior caused by the effect of too much choice. 
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