Research on Impact of Technological Innovation Efficiency on Long-run Post-IPO Performance:Empirical Study Based on Samples of GEM High-tech Firms
中文关键词:  技术创新效率  高科技企业  政府补助  IPO后长期绩效  随机前沿分析
英文关键词:technological innovation efficiency  high-tech enterprises  government subsidies  post-IPO long-run performance  stochastic frontier method
胡志强 武汉大学 经济与管理学院,湖北 武汉 430072 
喻雅文 武汉大学 经济与管理学院,湖北 武汉 430072 
摘要点击次数: 607
全文下载次数: 581
      Under the background of the strategy of innovation-driven development, technological innovation can provide competitive advantage on the product market for the sustainable development of enterprises. With the high-tech enterprises listed on GEM as research object, this paper uses the stochastic frontier method based on output distance function to estimate the technical efficiency of innovation production activities in GEM high-tech enterprises. We also investigate the relationship between technological innovation efficiency and long-run post-IPO performance, and then examine the adjusting effect of the participation of government subsidies. The results show that there is a positive relationship between firm's technological innovation efficiency and post-IPO operating performances and stock returns, and it is increasing as time goes by. Furthermore, the empirical analysis finds the adjusting effect of government subsidies really exists. With the increase of subsidies, the positive correlation between technological innovation efficiency and the post-IPO performance will be weakened. These results provide the meaningful implications for high-tech enterprises to meet the challenge in transforming economic development through focusing on technological innovation efficiency, enhancing R&D information disclosure quality and optimizing the government innovation subsidies, which further realizes the upgrading of economic development mode. 
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