Free Trade Zone and Regional Economic Growth:Empirical Analysis Based on China's Provincial Panel Data
中文关键词:  自由贸易园区  劳动生产率  区域经济  经济增长  经济收敛  贸易开放
英文关键词:Free Trade Zone (FTZ)  labor productivity  regional economy  economic growth  economic convergence  trade liberalization
叶修群 华东师范大学 经济与管理学部, 上海 200241 
摘要点击次数: 925
全文下载次数: 650
      As an important measure in the reform and opening-up strategy, Free Trade Zone (FTZ) is important to economic growth which is self-evident. Based on the provincial panel data during the years from 1990 to 2014, the individual time two-way fixed effect model is applied to the empirical test on the impact of FTZ upon regional economic growth. The research finds that FTZ has a significantly positive impact on labor productivity. The complementary effect of FTZ and trade liberalization promotes the improvement of labor productivity, which is manifested mainly in the eastern area. FTZ in the central and western areas has no significant effect on the improvement of labor productivity. FTZ and trade liberalization have obvious substitution effect on the improvement of labor productivity. The further analysis finds that the regional difference in the distribution of FTZ has been significantly reduced, the establishment of FTZ has accelerated the economic convergence in eastern area, and there is complementary effect between FTZ and trade liberalization in their positive effect on economic convergence. 
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