Can Quality Management Model Improve Innovation Efficiency? ——Empirical Study Based on Chinese Employer-employee Survey Data
中文关键词:  质量管理模式  创新效率  卓越绩效管理模式  全面质量管理模式  ISO质量标准模式
英文关键词:quality management mode  innovation efficiency  performance excellence mode  total quality management mode  ISO standard mode
余红伟 武汉大学 质量发展战略研究院, 湖北 武汉 430072
武汉大学 湖北省宏观质量管理协同创新中心, 湖北 武汉 430072 
谭琳 武汉大学 质量发展战略研究院, 湖北 武汉 430072 
摘要点击次数: 562
全文下载次数: 548
      Figuring out the problems of enterprises innovation practices in different quality management modes can improve the enterprises' quality management and innovation efficiency. Based on Chinese Employer-employee Survey data in 2015, this paper adopts the three-stage DEA model to evaluate and analyze the innovation efficiency in different quality management modes. The results show that the requirement-oriented mode is conductive to the innovation efficiency; differences purely in category dimensionality do not lead the difference in innovation efficiency; the quality management mode will affect the enterprises' innovation efficiency through other factors. Further analysis finds that for the enterprise with a larger size or a higher quality of labours, the performance excellence mode will stimulate its innovation; for the enterprise with a high cost in financing, both the performance excellence mode and the total quality management mode will aggravate the negative effects on innovation; for the enterprise with more support from government, the performance excellence mode and the ISO standard mode will negatively affect its innovation, while the total management mode will promote its innovation. 
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