Promotion Pressure, Capital Market Efficiency and Overcapacity
中文关键词:  晋升压力  信贷资源配置  产能过剩  资本市场效率  政治透明度  晋升锦标赛
英文关键词:promotion pressure  credit resource allocation  overcapacity  capital market efficiency  political transparency  promotion tournament
步丹璐 西南财经大学 会计学院, 四川 成都 611130 
石翔燕 西南财经大学 会计学院, 四川 成都 611130 
狄灵瑜 西南财经大学 会计学院, 四川 成都 611130 
摘要点击次数: 823
全文下载次数: 754
      Using the 2012 World Bank China enterprise survey data, this paper examined the impact of local officials' promotion pressures on overcapacity. The paper shows that overcapacity is one of the twisted consequences of the promotion tournament based on GDP. Local officials with the promotion pressure will support enterprises to expand production capacity, resulting in the reduction of capacity utilization efficiency and overcapacity. Capital market credit resources allocation is the intermediary variable of promotion pressure to affect the overcapacity. Promotion pressure makes local officials intervene improperly the allocation of credit resources, reducing the efficiency of the allocation of credit resources, and leading to overcapacity ultimately. Furthermore, changing the traditional promotion assessment based on the economic performance and increasing the proportion of environmental protection and other social development goals can reduce the impact of promotion pressure on overcapacity. Enhancing the transparency of the government will help to supervise and restrict the improper economic intervention of the local governments, and to curb the impact of local officials' promotion pressures on overcapacity. 
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