Does Internal Control Audit System Increase Audit Fees?
中文关键词:  内部控制审计  企业规模  审计费用  中小板  创业板  主板
英文关键词:internal control audit  firm scale  audit fee  SME board  GEM board  main board
杨艳文 中央财经大学 会计学院, 100081 
余德慧 中华女子学院 管理学院, 100101 
摘要点击次数: 610
全文下载次数: 695
      This paper examines the impact of internal control audit on audit fees in the implementation of internal control audit system, and studies the differences of internal control audit system in different sectors and different scales in China. The research findings include the following:The audit fees increase significantly in small companies after the implementation of internal control audit system while in large firms the audit fees increase significantly only for the disclosure of internal control audit report, but the audit fees have no significant change in case of no disclosure of internal control report. After the implementation of internal control audit, in small companies on SME board and GEM board, the audit fees have no significant change no matter whether there is disclosure of internal control audit report, but in large firms the audit fees are significantly higher for the disclosure of internal control audit report. After the implementation of internal control audit, the main board company's audit fees are significantly higher for the disclosure of internal control audit report. After the implementation of internal control audit system, the audit fees in both small and large companies increase significantly for the first time disclosure of internal control audit report. The empirical evidence provides reference to regulate audit fees on audit market. 
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