杜 勇,周小敬.定向增发、资产注入与证券市场反应研究[J].北京工商大学社科版,2014,29(3):81-88
Research on Directional Private Placement, Asset Injection and Capital Market Reaction
中文关键词:  定向增发  资产注入  支持行为  市场反应
英文关键词:directional private placement  asset injection  propping behavior  market reaction
基金项目:新疆人文社科重点研究基地项目“新疆国有企业内部控制与风险预警机制研究”(XJEDU050213B01);新疆科技项目“新疆上市公司控股股东资产注入实证研究”(201242179);北京市“国有资产管理协同创新中心”资助项目(GZ20130801) 。
杜 勇 新疆财经大学 新疆企业发展研究中心, 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830012
新疆财经大学 会计学院, 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830012 
周小敬 新疆财经大学 会计学院, 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830012 
摘要点击次数: 652
全文下载次数: 503
      In this paper, with the asset-injection directional private placement as the focus of the study, this paper explores the relationship of additional orientation and large shareholders' asset-injection behavior with China's secondary capital markets. The study finds that directional private placement brings a positive reaction in stock market, and only when the large shareholders' asset injection is associated with main business of listed company, it brings more long-term excess returns to investors. In China, the injected assets in the majority of listed companies, especially the state-owned enterprises, are excellent productive assets. 
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