马若微,张 微.基于Logistic与Fisher的上市公司财务困境判别模型比较研究[J].北京工商大学社科版,2014,29(2):88-95
Comparative Research on Financial Distress Prediction Models in Listed Companies Based on Logistic Model and Fisher Model
中文关键词:  上市公司  财务困境  Fisher模型  logistic模型
英文关键词:listed company  financial distress  Fisher model  Logistic model
基金项目:教育部人文社会科学研究资助项目(10YSC79088);北京市哲学社会科学规划项目(13JGB036);北京市青年拔尖人才培育计划(CIT&TCD201404037) 。
马若微 北京工商大学 经济学院, 北京 100048 
张 微 北京工商大学 经济学院, 北京 100048 
摘要点击次数: 712
全文下载次数: 536
      This paper chooses China’s A-share manufacturing companies after the reform of non-tradable shares as the research object, with the use of large sample method to select the samples. The 8 quarterly data in the first two years before financial distress are selected to make a regression analysis of the ST companies and normal companies respectively based on Fisher model, linear Logistic model and non-linear Logistic model. The results show that the quarterly data in the first two years before financial distress has an effect of prediction to the occurrence of financial distress; the net profit margin, working capital ratio and cost margins have better prediction to the financial distress; and the error rate of non-linear Logistic model is the lowest, the rate of the linear Logistic model is in the second place, and the error rate of the Fisher model is the highest. 
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