孙金秀,林晓炜.现代流通业与先进制造业协同性研究进展[J].北京工商大学社科版,2014,29(1):44-49, 58
Recent Progress in Research on Synergy Between Modern Circulation Industry and Advanced Manufacturing Industry
中文关键词:  现代流通业  先进制造业  产业协同
英文关键词:modern circulation industry  advanced manufacturing industry  industrial synergy
孙金秀 浙江工商大学 经济学院, 浙江 杭州 310018
绍兴文理学院 元培学院, 浙江 绍兴 312000 
林晓炜 浙江工商大学 经济学院, 浙江 杭州 310018 
摘要点击次数: 693
全文下载次数: 521
      The deep research on the synergy between modern circulation industry and advanced manufacturing industry is of great theoretical and realistic significance with regard to optimizing the industrial structure, shifting the economic growth mode, and enhancing the international competitiveness of modern circulation industry and advanced manufacturing industry. This article makes a systematic review and comment on the recent progress in the research on the connotation, developing mechanism, evaluation index system, measuring methods, monitoring and warning of synergy between modern circulation industry and advanced manufacturing industry. Moreover, a prospect is presented for future research orientation. 
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