张振环.中国沪市A股与东亚主要股市间相依性结构研究——基于半参数copula方法的实证分析[J].北京工商大学社科版,2013,28(3):93-102 |
中国沪市A股与东亚主要股市间相依性结构研究——基于半参数copula方法的实证分析 |
A Study on Dependence Structure between A-Share in China’s Shanghai Stock Market and Main Stock Markets in East Asia:An Empirical Analysis Based on Semi-parametric Copula Methods |
投稿时间:2013-02-20 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 高斯copula SJC copula 相依性 股市间感染 |
英文关键词:Gaussian copula SJC copula dependence contagion on stock markets |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目“中国商品挂钩债券的定价与仿真研究”(G030202);中南财经政法大学研究生创新教育计划暨中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目(2012B0807)。 |
摘要点击次数: 881 |
全文下载次数: 1471 |
中文摘要: |
鉴于协整分析、线性格兰杰因果检验和多元相关性分析在研究大陆股市与世界其他股市间相依性时存在的缺陷,从而可能造成研究结果的分歧,运用半参数copula方法研究发现,沪市A股与东亚主要股市间存在明显的相依性。特别是在次贷危机中,沪市A股与东亚主要股市间还呈现一定程度的感染,这种感染表现为市场间的一般相依性的增强。另外,在异常事件发生时,沪市A股与恒生指数、日经指数及韩国综合指数的尾部相依性存在非对称性,它们间发生同跌的可能性更高,而沪市A股指数与中国台湾加权指数及海峡时报指数的尾部相依性基本对称,它们间发生同涨、同跌的概率几乎均等。 |
英文摘要: |
In view of the drawbacks of cointegration, linear Granger causality test and multi-variables correlations in analyzing the dependence between China’s stock markets and other stock markets in the world, which potentially causes a controversy, this paper employs the semi-parametric copula methods and finds the obvious dependence existing in A-share on Shanghai Stock Exchange and main stock markets in East Asia. Particularly in the subprime mortgage crisis, there has appeared some contagions between A-share and main stock markets in East Asia, which is represented by the increase in dependence. Additionally, in case any exceptional event occurs, A-share on Shanghai Stock Exchange Index has some asymmetries in tail dependence with Hang Seng Index, Nikkei 225, and Seoul Composite, which implies a bigger probability for their simultaneous downturns. However, A-share on Shanghai Stock Exchange has symmetries basically with Chinas Taiwan Weighted Index and Straits Times Index, which implies an equal probability for their simultaneous downturns and upturns. |
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