A Study on Dependence Structure between A-Share in China’s Shanghai Stock Market and Main Stock Markets in East Asia:An Empirical Analysis Based on Semi-parametric Copula Methods
中文关键词:  高斯copula  SJC copula  相依性  股市间感染
英文关键词:Gaussian copula  SJC copula  dependence  contagion on stock markets
张振环 中南财经政法大学 工商管理学院 湖北 武汉 430073 
摘要点击次数: 881
全文下载次数: 1471
      In view of the drawbacks of cointegration, linear Granger causality test and multi-variables correlations in analyzing the dependence between China’s stock markets and other stock markets in the world, which potentially causes a controversy, this paper employs the semi-parametric copula methods and finds the obvious dependence existing in A-share on Shanghai Stock Exchange and main stock markets in East Asia. Particularly in the subprime mortgage crisis, there has appeared some contagions between A-share and main stock markets in East Asia, which is represented by the increase in dependence. Additionally, in case any exceptional event occurs, A-share on Shanghai Stock Exchange Index has some asymmetries in tail dependence with Hang Seng Index, Nikkei 225, and Seoul Composite, which implies a bigger probability for their simultaneous downturns. However, A-share on Shanghai Stock Exchange has symmetries basically with Chinas Taiwan Weighted Index and Straits Times Index, which implies an equal probability for their simultaneous downturns and upturns.
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