Research on Relationship between Retail Agglomeration Image and Customer Citizenship Behavior Based on Regulatory Focus Perspective
中文关键词:  商业集聚印象  顾客认同  调节定向  顾客公民行为
英文关键词:retail agglomeration image  consumer identification  regulatory focus  customer citizenship behavior
沙振权,周飞,叶展慧 华南理工大学 工商管理学院 广东 广州510640 
摘要点击次数: 1106
全文下载次数: 1072
      Retail agglomeration has a very important role in promoting the concentration of modern commercial city and goods distribution center as well as the growth and prosperity of industrial park. The establishment of retail agglomeration entities and business value, which serves as an overall atmosphere created by a spatial structure, can improve the overall shopping environment and be an important factor to attract consumers. Based on the consumer identification perspective, this paper validates the influence of retail agglomeration image upon consumer identification and customer citizenship behavior (CCB) by empirical research and combines the regulatory focus theory to further study the influence process. The research result shows that not only retail agglomeration image has a significant impact on CCB but also consumer identification plays an intermediary role in the process, in which regulatory focus plays a moderating role between retail agglomeration image and consumer identification.
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