The Definition of Relevant Market in Anti-monopoly Law and China's Alternatives
中文关键词:  相关市场  经营者集中  滥用市场支配地位  反垄断执法机构
英文关键词:relevant market  concentration of business operators  abuse of dominant market power (abuse of market ascendancy)  antimonopoly enforcement authorities
基金项目:2010年度教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目“反垄断法域外管辖制度研究” (10YJC820018)
戴龙 中国政法大学 国际法学院 
摘要点击次数: 1348
全文下载次数: 2547
      The relevant market definition is a significant process in the implementation of antimonopoly law and is also a premise procedure to evaluate whether a business operator's behaviors have an effect of eliminating or restricting the competition. The Horizontal Merger Guideline (2010) by U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission has reduced the position and function of the relevant market definition, which emphasizes on the evaluation of anti-competition effects of the behavior as the focal process of antimonopoly review, which is of significant value in radical reform. The structural characters of Antimonopoly Law of P. R. China have determined the inability to neglect the function of the relevant market definition. However, to reduce the function of the relevant market definition would be more suitable for the enforcement of China's antimonopoly law and the design of illegal standard. The experiences of USA are of certain reference value to the enforcement of China's antimonopoly law.
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